Coping with Stress

"There is nothing like a dream to create the future. Utopia today, flesh and blood tomorrow"

Victor Hugo

Coping with Stress

For individuals at a carer crossroads available fully online, with coaching support. For further information

Coping with Stress

Services available virtually as well as in-person. We can coach you, wherever you are!

Coping with Stress


How well are you equipped to prevent and manage your stress?

Are you Resilient?

Why not take our ‘Coping with Stress Assessment’.

Just complete the assessment below, send it back to us and we will contact you with your feedback.

Coping with Stress Assessment

1. Stress is always bad for your health?

2. Too little stress can be as bad as too much

3. We all need some stress

4. Some people can cope with more stress

5. We can train ourselves to cope with more stress

6. I never seem to have enough time

7. I rarely get things done on time

8. I can always find time for myself

9. I keep lists of things I need to do

10. I enjoy receiving compliments

11. I have difficulty asking for help

12. I can start conversations with strangers

13. I find saying 'thank you' easy

14. I have difficulty telling people I like them

15. I can give compliments without embarrassment

16. I never show it when I feel hurt.

17. When I'm angry I say so

18. I can't say no

19. I'm always prepared to give an opinion.

21. I know what is important to me

22. My plans often do not work out

23. I get good ideas that go nowhere.

24. I feel its up to me to make things happen

25. I have difficulty in making up my mind

26. I am good at thinking of alternative solutions.

27. I weigh advantages/disadvantages of choices.

28. I take responsibility for outcomes of my choices.

29. Sometimes its better to delay making decisions.

30. I must be liked by everyone.

31. I must be perfect in all that I do.

32. When things go wrong I get angry or depressed.

33. I have little control over what happens to me.

33. I have little control over what happens to me.

35. I can't change how I am.

36. People are fragile and we should not hurt them.

37. Anger is always bad and destructive.

38. We should always try to please others first.

39. We can only be happy with other people.

40. I always use the stairs instead of a lift.

41. I'm on my feet for 2-3 hours each day

42. I lift something heavy at least once a day.

43. I ride a bike regularly.

44. I run at least one mile a week.

45. I run at least one mile three times a week.

46. I play a strenuous sport at least once a week.

47. I do regular exercises.

48. I do something strenuous each day.

49. I do not smoke.

50. I hardly ever drink or don't drink at all.

51. I get seven or eight hours sleep a night.

52. I eat regular meals and no snacks.

53. I eat a regular healthy breakfast.

54. I get regular exercise.

55. My body weight is right for my size.

13 + 12 =

Coping with Stress

Personal /Life Coaching

Coping with Stress

Stress Management

Coping with Stress

Career Coaching

Coping with Stress

Life Coaching for Athletes