Challenging Negative Thinking Habits and Autogenic Relaxation Training – Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (2)
Session Plan.
– You should now be familiar with the practice of the Full Breath and Square Breathing Exercise, using the Breathing Log and Daily Relaxation Log as points of reference.
– You should also have been practicing the use of ‘triggers’, placed in prominent locations, to prompt you to practice the Square Breathing exercise three times.
– Continue to practice this until you find you no longer need the visible ‘triggers’ – this will probably take a month or two.
– As before, practice muscular and mental relaxation and breathing exercises as coping skills in your daily life.
Information Giving Lecture on ”Challenges to Negative Thinking Habits”
This information is provided as both a written script and a voice recording, so use it according to your own preference.
Negative/Positive Mood Log – Example (form S6.a)
Read through and note;
– This illustrates how negative beliefs about a situation create negative feelings which lead to negative behaviour.
– Positive Beliefs about a situation create positive feelings which, in turn, lead to positive behaviour.
– Both negative and positive behaviour also have consequences for the future.
– In the first example on the form, the negative consequence is rhat rhe individual is in danger of never speaking to their neighbour again.
– In the second example, in behaving negatively, the person, not only passes up the opportunity of a job, but also creates the basis of a pattern for future avoidance of job interviews.
– To help you to see the dangers associated with negative thinking and that there are alternatives to negative thought patterns.
– To encourage you to start developing positive patterns of thinking and behaviour.
Relaxation Exercise – Autogenic Relaxation Training
– This exercise is provided in written format and as a voice recording
– As before, you should practice this exercise daily until your next session, lying or sitting somewhere comfortably with your head supported.
– Remember to continue to use muscular relaxation, mental relaxation, the breathing exercises, triggers and autogenic training as coping skills in your daily life, as needed.
Complete the Negative/Positive Mood Log (form S6.a) for Session Six, a Breathing Log , and a Daily Relaxation Log in advance of your next session.